33 research outputs found

    A new Holocene relative sea-level curve for western Brittany (France): Insights on isostatic dynamics along the Atlantic coasts of north-western Europe

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    International audienceThis study presents new Relative Sea Level (RSL) data that were obtained in the Finistère region (Western tip of Brittany, France) and the implications those data have for the understanding of the isostatic dynamics across north-western Europe, and more specifically along the Atlantic and Channel coasts. New stratigraphic sequences were obtained and analyzed to derive 24 new Sea-level Index Points, in which 6 are basal. These new data considerably increase the knowledge we have of the RSL evolution along the coasts of Western Brittany since the last 8 kyr B.P. From this new dataset, RSL was estimated to rise continuously over the last 8 kyr with a major inflection at ca. 6 kyr cal. BP. Our results show large vertical discrepancies between the RSL records of Brittany and South-Western UK, with the latter plotting several meters below the new data. From this comparison we suggest that the two regions underwent a very different pattern and/or amplitude of subsidence during the last 8 kyr which has implications for the spatial and temporal pattern of the peripheral bulge of the European ice sheets. We compared our data against predictions from Glacio-Isostatic Adjustment models (GIA models). There are large misfits between RSL observations and the predictions of the global (ICE-5G (VM2a) – Peltier, 2004, GLAC1-b – Tarasov and Peltier, 2002; Tarasov et al., 2012, Briggs et al., 2014) and regional UK models (“BIIS” – Bradley et al., 2009; Bradley et al., 2011; “Kuchar”- Kuchar et al., 2012), which can't be resolved through significant changes to the deglaciation history and size of the British–Irish Ice sheet. Paleo-tidal modelling corrections indicate regional changes in the tidal ranges played a negligible role in the data-model misfits. Hence, we propose that the misfits are due to some combination of: (i) unaccounted mass-loss of far-field ice-sheets (Antarctic ice-Sheet or Laurentide Ice-Sheet), (ii) unresolved differences in the deglaciation history and size of the Fennoscandian Ice sheet or, more likely, (iii) significant lateral variations in the Earth's structure across the English Channel

    Ò7 Evaluation of antibacterial and antiviral activity of N-arylamides of 9-methyl- and 9-methoxyphenazine-1-carboxylic acids – inhibitors of the phage T7 model transctiption

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    Aim. Search for compounds with antibacterial and antiviral properties among N-arylamides of 9-substituted phenazine-1-carboxylic acids (PCA), inhibitors of the RNA synthesis. Methods. Influence of N-aryl-amides on the RNA synthesis was tested in vitro in the model system of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of phage T7 (T7 RNAP). Antimicrobial activities of the N-arylamides against bacteria Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae VR-2 var. IVM, Klebsiella spp. and Escherichia coli ATCC25922 were investigated by the method of two-fold dilution in a liquid medium. Antiviral effects against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) and cytotoxicity of the N-arylamides were evaluated using Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells. Results. Twenty N-arylamides appeared to be efficacious inhibitors of the RNA synthesis at concentrations of 0.48–61 µM. The compound 16 proved to be the most effective inhibitor of T7 RNAP with the IC50 value being 0.48 µM. Fourteen N-arylamides demonstrated antibacterial properties against gram positive and gram negative bacteria at the 0.1–10 µg/ml concentrations. A number of the N-arylamides revealed a multiplicity of their antimicrobial actions: 7 compounds against two bacteria and two compounds, 2 and 3, against three bacteria investigated. N-arylamides 16 and 26 showed high inhibitory activity as to BVDV with the IC50 values 0.43 and 0.88 µg/ml and SI values 160 and 10 correspondingly. Conclusions. The obtained data evidence that the most likely targets of the N-arylamides 9-substituted PCA in bacteria and viruses are their RNA synthesizing complexes. Keywords: N-arylamides 9-substituted PCA, model system of the DNA-dependent RNA-polymerase of phage T7, antibacterial activity, antiviral activity.Мета. Пошук серед N-ариламідів 9-заміщених феназин-1-карбонових кислот (ФКК-1) – інгібіторів синтезу РНК – сполук з антибактерійними та антивірусними властивостями. Методи. Вплив N-ариламідів на синтез РНК in vitro визначали із застосуванням модельної системи ДНК-залежної РНК-полімерази бактеріофага Т7; антимікробну активність N-ариламідів – методом дворазових розведень у рідкому середовищі проти бактерій Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae VR-2 var. IVM, Klebsiella spp. та Escherichia coli ATCC25922. Антивірусну дію щодо вірусу бичачої вірусної діареї (ВБВД) і цитотоксичність N-арил-амідів оцінювали на перещеплюваній лінії культури клітин нирки теляти. Результати. Двадцять N-ариламідів виявилися ефективними інгібіторами синтезу РНК у межах концентрацій 0,48–63 мкМ. Найвищу активність продемонструвала сполука 16, ІС50 якої становить 0,48 мкМ. Антибактерійні властивості стосовно грампозитивних і грамнегативних бактерій проявили 14 N-ариламідів при концентраціях 0,1– 10 мкг/мл. Для низки N-ариламідів встановлено множинний характер антибактерійної дії: сім сполук проти двох і дві (2 і 3) – проти трьох досліджуваних бактерій. N-ариламіди 16 і 26 виявили високу інгібіторну здатність проти ВБВД з показниками ІС50 0,43 і 0,88 мкМ і SІ > 160 і 10 відповідно. Висновки. Отримані результати дають підставу вважати, що вірогідними мішенями для N-ариламідів 9-заміщених ФКК-1 у бактерій і вірусіможуть бути є їхні РНК-синтезувальні комплекси. Ключові слова: N-ариламіди 9-заміщених ФКК-1, модельна система транскрипції фага Т7, антибактерійна активність, антивірусна активність.Цель. Поиск среди 9-замещенных N-ариламидов феназин-1-карбоновой кислоты (ФКК-1) – ингибиторов синтеза РНК – соединений с антибактериальными и антивирусными свойствами. Методы. Влияние N-ариламидов на синтез РНК in vitro определяли с использованием модельной системы ДНК-зависимой РНК-полимеразы бактериофага Т7; антимикробную активность N-арил- амидов – методом двукратных розведений в жидкой среде против бактерий Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae VR-2 var. IVM, Klebsiella spp. и Escherichia coli ATCC25922. Антивирусное действие по отношению к вирусу бычьей вирусной диареи (ВБВД) и цитотоксичность N-ариламидов оценивали на перевиваемой линии культуры клеток почки теленка. Результаты. Двадцать N-ариламидов оказались эффективными ингибиторами синтеза РНК в диапазоне концентраций 0,48–63 мкМ. Наивысшую активность продемонстрировало соединение 16, ІС50 которого составляет 0,48 мкМ. Антибактериальные свойства относительно грампозитивных и грамнегативных бактерий проявили 14 N-ариламидов в концентрациях 0,1–10 мкг/мл. Для ряда N-ариламидов установлен множественный характер антибактериального действия: семь соединений против двух, а два (2 и 3) – против трех исследуемых бактерий. N-ариламиды 16 и 26 выявили высокий ингибиторный потенциал против ВБВД с показателями ІС50 0,43 и 0,88 мкМ и SІ > 160 и 10 соответственно. Выводы. Полученные результаты дают основание полагать, что возможными мишенями для N-арил-амидов 9-замещенных ФКК-1 у бактерий и вирусов могут быть их РНК-синтезирующие комплексы. Ключевые слова: N-ариламиды 9-замещенных ФКК-1, модельная система транскрипции фага Т7, антибактериальная активность, антивирусная активность

    Renormalization properties of the mass operator A^2 in three dimensional Yang-Mills theories in the Landau gauge

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    Massive renormalizable Yang-Mills theories in three dimensions are analysed within the algebraic renormalization in the Landau gauge. In analogy with the four dimensional case, the renormalization of the mass operator A^2 turns out to be expressed in terms of the fields and coupling constant renormalization factors. We verify the relation we obtain for the operator anomalous dimension by explicit calculations in the large N_f. The generalization to other gauges such as the nonlinear Curci-Ferrari gauge is briefly outlined.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Temperature control system of two section electron LINAC-40

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    The temperature control system of the accelerator provides thermal stabilization of the two accelerating sections and the injector. The system consists of 7 temperature-sensitive elements, up to 8 transducers of water flow through the objects being cooled and the detector of the water level in the tank. The microprocessor complex ADAM 5511 and the commercial thyristor controllers are used for analysis of signals from the transducers and for temperature control. Information of the process parameters is displayed on the local control desk, as well as, via the RS-485 port is transferred to the accelerator control room.Система термостатирования ускорителя ЛУЭ-40, обеспечивает термостабилизацию двух ускоряющих секций и инжектора. В системе термостатирования имеется 7 датчиков измерения температуры, до 8 датчиков протока воды через охлаждаемые объекты и датчик уровня воды в баке. Для анализа сигналов от датчиков и регулирования температуры используется микропроцессорный комплекс АДАМ 5511 и тиристорные регуляторы РОТ-63. Информация о параметрах процессов выдается на местный пульт управления, а также через порт RS-485 в РС оператора ускорителя.Система термостатування прискорювача ЛПЕ-40, забезпечує термостабілізацію двох прискорюючих секцій та інжектора. У системі термостатування є 7 датчиків вимірювання температури, до 8 датчиків протоку води крізь охолоджувані об’єкти та датчик рівня води у баці. Для аналізу сигналів від датчиків та регулювання температури використовується мікропроцесорний комплекс АДАМ 5511 та тиристорні регулятори РОТ-63. Інформація о параметрах процесів видається на локальний пульт управління, а також через порт RS-485 у РС оператора прискорювача

    The (LATTICE) QCD Potential and Running Coupling: How to Accurately Interpolate between Multi-Loop QCD and the String Picture

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    We present a simple parameterization of a running coupling constant, defined via the static potential, that interpolates between 2-loop QCD in the UV and the string prediction in the IR. Besides the usual \Lam-parameter and the string tension, the coupling depends on one dimensionless parameter, determining how fast the crossover from UV to IR behavior occurs (in principle we know how to take into account any number of loops by adding more parameters). Using a new Ansatz for the LATTICE potential in terms of the continuum coupling, we can fit quenched and unquenched Monte Carlo results for the potential down to ONE lattice spacing, and at the same time extract the running coupling to high precision. We compare our Ansatz with 1-loop results for the lattice potential, and use the coupling from our fits to quantitatively check the accuracy of 2-loop evolution, compare with the Lepage-Mackenzie estimate of the coupling extracted from the plaquette, and determine Sommer's scale r0r_0 much more accurately than previously possible. For pure SU(3) we find that the coupling scales on the percent level for β6\beta\geq 6.Comment: 47 pages, incl. 4 figures in LaTeX [Added remarks on correlated vs. uncorrelated fits in sect. 4; corrected misprints; updated references.

    Two-loop scalar self-energies in a general renormalizable theory at leading order in gauge couplings

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    I present results for the two-loop self-energy functions for scalars in a general renormalizable field theory, using mass-independent renormalization schemes based on dimensional regularization and dimensional reduction. The results are given in terms of a minimal set of loop-integral basis functions, which are readily evaluated numerically by computers. This paper contains the contributions corresponding to the Feynman diagrams with zero or one vector propagator lines. These are the ones needed to obtain the pole masses of the neutral and charged Higgs scalar bosons in supersymmetry, neglecting only the purely electroweak parts at two-loop order. A subsequent paper will present the results for the remaining diagrams, which involve two or more vector lines.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, revtex4, axodraw.sty. Version 2: sentence after eq. (A.13) corrected, references added. Version 3: typos in eqs. (5.17), (5.20), (5.21), (5.32) are corrected. Also, the MSbar versions of eqs. (5.32) and (5.33) are now include

    Nonlinear Integer Programming

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    Research efforts of the past fifty years have led to a development of linear integer programming as a mature discipline of mathematical optimization. Such a level of maturity has not been reached when one considers nonlinear systems subject to integrality requirements for the variables. This chapter is dedicated to this topic. The primary goal is a study of a simple version of general nonlinear integer problems, where all constraints are still linear. Our focus is on the computational complexity of the problem, which varies significantly with the type of nonlinear objective function in combination with the underlying combinatorial structure. Numerous boundary cases of complexity emerge, which sometimes surprisingly lead even to polynomial time algorithms. We also cover recent successful approaches for more general classes of problems. Though no positive theoretical efficiency results are available, nor are they likely to ever be available, these seem to be the currently most successful and interesting approaches for solving practical problems. It is our belief that the study of algorithms motivated by theoretical considerations and those motivated by our desire to solve practical instances should and do inform one another. So it is with this viewpoint that we present the subject, and it is in this direction that we hope to spark further research.Comment: 57 pages. To appear in: M. J\"unger, T. Liebling, D. Naddef, G. Nemhauser, W. Pulleyblank, G. Reinelt, G. Rinaldi, and L. Wolsey (eds.), 50 Years of Integer Programming 1958--2008: The Early Years and State-of-the-Art Surveys, Springer-Verlag, 2009, ISBN 354068274

    Supersymmetric Regularization, Two-Loop QCD Amplitudes and Coupling Shifts

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    We present a definition of the four-dimensional helicity (FDH) regularization scheme valid for two or more loops. This scheme was previously defined and utilized at one loop. It amounts to a variation on the standard 't Hooft-Veltman scheme and is designed to be compatible with the use of helicity states for "observed" particles. It is similar to dimensional reduction in that it maintains an equal number of bosonic and fermionic states, as required for preserving supersymmetry. Supersymmetry Ward identities relate different helicity amplitudes in supersymmetric theories. As a check that the FDH scheme preserves supersymmetry, at least through two loops, we explicitly verify a number of these identities for gluon-gluon scattering (gg to gg) in supersymmetric QCD. These results also cross-check recent non-trivial two-loop calculations in ordinary QCD. Finally, we compute the two-loop shift between the FDH coupling and the standard MS-bar coupling, alpha_s. The FDH shift is identical to the one for dimensional reduction. The two-loop coupling shifts are then used to obtain the three-loop QCD beta function in the FDH and dimensional reduction schemes.Comment: 44 pages, minor corrections and clarifications include

    Electron linacs in NSC KIPT: R&D and application

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    A review is given about electron linacs of NSC KIPT and their some applications for research of radiation effects in reactor materials, channeling, plasma-beam interactions, geology (gamma-activation analysis of ore samples), as well as sterilization of single-use medical products, modification of polymers and semiconductors, isotope production for nuclear medicine etc

    First results of the renewed Uragan-2M torsatron

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    The results of experimental investigation on the vacuum magnetic surfaces in the l=2 torsatron with an additional toroidal field Uragan-2M at wide varying operation parameters are presented. Also the first results on the wall conditioning in the Uragan-2M with the ECR and RF discharges in atmosphere of hydrogen in steady-state mode at low magnetic field, plasma production and heating with RF power are described.Представлено результати експериментального дослідження вакуумних магнітних поверхонь в l=2 торсатроні з додатковим магнітним полем Ураган-2М для широкої зміни операційних параметрів. Також описані перші результати підготовки першої стінки в Урагані-2М за допомогою ЕЦР і ВЧ розрядів в атмосфері водню в стаціонарному режимі при низькому магнітному полі, створення і нагріву плазми ВЧ потужністю.Представлены результаты экспериментального исследования вакуумных магнитных поверхностей в l=2 торсатроне с дополнительным магнитным полем Ураган-2М для широкого изменения операционных параметров. Также описаны первые результаты подготовки первой стенки в Урагане-2М при помощи ЭЦР и ВЧ разрядов в атмосфере водорода в стационарном режиме при низком магнитном поле, создания и нагрева плазмы ВЧ- мощностью